
Black Hands: Why is it important sneeze?

Friday, December 13, 2013

Why is it important sneeze?

Maybe we are in a public place and then we feel that tingling in the nose, and we feel that we are going to sneeze , but wrongly many of us try to avoid sneezing, either by shame, or any other reason , but why it is important sneeze?
Well, first define sneezing. A sneeze is a way to remove something that is irritating the sensitive parts of our nostrils , that may be dust or pollen. In fact, sneezing is a defense mechanism of the respiratory system .

Every time you sneeze , air shot through the nose and mouth can reach speeds up to 160 km per hour . Hence how dangerous it is to contain or prevent a sneeze in the middle , as the " cover " your nose and close your lips can create a tremendous air pressure in your mouth and in your throat.
This pressure can force bacteria from your nose back to the wells covered with mucosa or into the ears. The result? A heavy infection .
However when sneezing should always be turned to the side and sneeze into your sleeve, or cover your mouth with a handkerchief not cloth , but disposable. If you can not utilzemos hands for cover when sneeze , because that way we can spread it to others , if he had, we should immediately wash our hands from the nails to the wrists.
So the next time you're in a public place and feel the need to sneeze ,do it! , Never hold the sneeze , but still take hygienic measures such as those we have mentioned .

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