
Black Hands: Do not sleep with the light on !

Friday, December 13, 2013

Do not sleep with the light on !

Arriving bedtime , the most common is to turn off all the lights and fall into the arms of Morpheus. But some people just can not sleep in total darkness and need , or yes, leave a light on . A case is children, but adults if, for example , staying at a different place accustomed , can not sleep if they have a light on too.

Whatever the situation , it is important to know that an artificially lit environment interferes with brain activity and sleep quality , as demonstrated by an investigation by South Korean scientists .
Under the hypothesis that " unnecessary exposure to light at night can cause various health problems ," the researchers recruited ten people and underwent polysomnography two sessions , one with the lights off and one with them on, for which used a fluorescent lamp was installed very close to those who were studied.
The scientists analyzed the REM and non- REM dreams brain waves , changes in their heart rates , breathing and muscle activity of the participants .
Thanks to the study , the researchers were able to determine that with the light on , people spend more time in stage 1 sleep , the most superficial , and less in the 3 and 4 - the most profound and important for memory . According Seung Bong Hong , lead author of the research , this can be compared with sleep apnea sufferers .
Also, with the lit environment , the scientists were able to record a greater amount of " arousals " or periods when the brain is near awakening, and changes in brain waves , especially those involved in sleep depth and stability.
"Our study showed that even a dim light interferes with good sleep , making sleep is lighter , less deep and that people wake up more often ," he said Hong.
And that , he added, " is detrimental to both mental and physical function and health ."

light pollution
Until now had conducted several studies to evaluate how good sleep influenced the brightness produced by televisions or computer screens when used right before bed , which has also been called " light pollution" .
In fact, according to an article published in the journal "Nature" in early 2013 , Charles A. Czeisler , professor of sleep medicine at Harvard University , said that electricity can seriously affect natural cycles of sleep, because it activates neurons in wakefulness.
However, never before had determined whether there was any difference between sleeping with or without light , as told Reuters Health biopsychologist University of California Michael Gorman.
And although he acknowledged that the investigation by the South Korean scientists is quite preliminary to his low number of participants, it is useful for people to experiment and determine whether sleep better in a brightly lit room or total darkness. "It will do them no harm," he said.
For good sleep hygiene can also implement the following tips released by "The Huffington Post" :
1. Environmental room to be quiet and a comfortable temperature.
Two . Change the mattress if you wake up sore / day or if you realize that when you sleep away from home , you rest better.
Three . Book room only for sleep or intimacy with your partner.
April . Disconnect from everything electronic one hour before bedtime.
May . Go to sleep about eight hours before the time you plan to wake up .
6. The intense two hours before bedtime can make you exercise more difficult to sleep .
7. Also avoid caffeine and alcohol four to six hours before bedtime .
8. If naps are your weakness , try that these are not too long so they do not interfere with your nighttime sleep.
9. Do not consume too much food sprinkled before bed, because you will wake up in the middle of the night with feeling of heartburn.
10. If you wake up and you need to go to the bathroom , try not to turn on the light . If you need some lighting , prefer dim as that achieved with salt lamps .

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